Monday, April 1, 2013

Weaver - Introductory Profile

Good Morning!
Thank you all for the warm welcome, and hospitality.  I am so pleased to be working with such a fine team of  people committed to collaborative efforts.   This indicates leadership of integrity.  I look forward to working with and learning more about all of you.  In the same light, this reply will share my first assignments, list some skills and experiences and post to a private blog that we can expand and develop.  My thought is to allow us to edit and comment to this individually and enhance our collaborations and transparency.

I have met with Dr. Kebreab Ghebremichael who asked that I look into three things:
  1. Earth Day Volunteers
  2. Office of Sustainability website
  3. Envisions Life Cycle models
My Skills are:
  1. Technology including web sites, videos, and computer software
  2. Patent innovation, prototyping, and entrepreneurship
  3. Organizing knowledge, skills, and collaboration = Team Building
Started business:Classes as TA, author and/or instructor:
Stormwater modeling Professional4631 Critical Issues in Public Hlth
Patent development Patents 6102 Principles of Hlth Pol and Mgmt
Education services Philanthropy 6147 Managing Quality in Hlth Care
USF Graduate Student 6421 Public Health Law and Ethics

Complexity Communities Supported
Personal Passions: The Social Entrepreneur Presented
MBA Patent Project Sustainability Lectures Outlined
Public Health Complexity GroupSocial Entrepreneurship as Urban Ag Planned
Research IWRM Blog
Assessment LEED InnovationsSocial Media
Community Redevelopment InnovationsOnline Art of Hosting Community
Rainwater Capture GreenhouseLinkedin business links

Timebank local services

I hope my skills inspire more collaboration to enhance opportunities for all of us.  We can all add and edit this on the blog.  Each of us can produce a similar page or develop personal university pages as linked below.  This will support our collaboration for developing new projects and knowledge sharing.  I will continue to develop and post here, and welcome others.  You can simply use the link to see what I am researching, and that is sufficient.

Have a wonderful Day

Eric R. Weaver
Research Associate
Patel College of Global Sustainability
University of South Florida
11710 USF Maple Drive
CGS0101 – Mail Point
CGS0210 - Office
Tampa, Florida 33620
(813) 974-8337 p
(813) 974-2522 f


1 comment:

  1. if you want to make your own Profile like mine above. Hit reply to my email and then edit it - - delete word by word as you type in your own. No editing or formatting if you do this slowly.
