Thursday, April 11, 2013

Totally Remove Bing From Firefox « Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

Totally Remove Bing From Firefox (True Strange Stuff):
Locate your Firefox address bar. This is the box at the top of your page where you type in your searches, NOT the Google search bar that you might occasionally use. Type the following into the address bar:
Type it EXACTLY the way shown above. Do not improvise or type it the way that YOU think it should be typed. Do not add commas, parentheses or quotation marks. You’re serious about getting Google back as your default search engine, right? You’ll see a scary warning that says, “This might void your warranty!”. Ignore it, and click on the little box that says, “I’ll be careful, I promise!”.  After you promise to be careful, Firefox will take you to a page full of intimidating computer stuff. Don’t waste time looking around, and DON’T mess with anything! There will be a filter bar at the top of your page. The filter bar looks exactly like the box you use to search for websites using IE, Firefox, or Google.In the filter bar, type in:
Again, type it in EXACTLY as shown. Do not add commas, quotation marks, or parentheses.
Double click on “keyword.URL”. A window (if you aren’t familiar with computer jargon, a window looks like a small box) will open up. Using your backspace or delete key, erase the text in the window. Replace the text with the following:
The “http” part is not optional. Type it exactly as shown above.

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