Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Adobe Community: acrobat pro: how set default properties for arrow and line tool seperately?

Adobe Community: acrobat pro: how set default properties for arrow and line tool seperately?:

I have a problem with the 'comment and markup' tools in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I would like to change the defaults of some of the tools, eg the arrow and the line tool.
This can be achieved by right-clicking on something drawn using the tool in question and then selecting 'properties' - or by selecting the tool and then press ctrl+E, which opens a 'Callout Tool Properties', and then change what you want there. The latter option keeps the changes as defaults - the former offers a box to tick in the 'properties' dialogue that opens - or, you can right-click on the object again after having changed the properties, and then select 'Make Current Properties Default'.

My Problem is now, that, apparently, you cannot choose and save default properties freely and for each tool. I would like to have the default properties for the line tool. . . .

rmbrown0, Jan 10, 2010 2:48 PM in reply to Trobbel Report

Trobbel - This indeed is puzzling behavior. Clicking 'Make Current Properties Default' should preserve the default appearance for each. I don't have a solution, but merely a couple of suggestions:
1) Make sure you have installed any available upgrade for your version of Acrobat Professional.

2) Consider using the line tool exclusively - you can add an arrowhead and make one tool perform both tasks.

Hope this helps. /rmbrown

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This is great - - but the "make Default" setting are listed when you right-click and select properties again

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