Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to Remove PDF/A Information from a file

How to Remove PDF/A Information from a file:
NOTE: This older article only pertains to Acrobat X (10).
In Acrobat XI, it is simple to remove PDF/A information by simply clicking:
#### Original Article Below ####
As I mentioned in earlier articles, a PDF/A document is considered an archive that should not be changed.
Normally, Acrobat’s PDF/A View mode appears when you open a PDF/A document and making edits to the document is not possible:
PDF/A View mode screen shot
Sometimes, however, you may need to revise a document before filing. For example, you might create a PDF/A document from Microsoft Word then insert some scanned pages.
In this case, it makes sense to remove the PDF/A information, make your edits, then conform the file using Save As.
In this article you’ll learn how to:
  • Remove PDF/A using Preflight
  • Use my free Remove PDFa Information Action
Acrobat X Actions can automate many tasks such as removing PDF/A information from a document.
Just about all of the Preflight functions are available via Actions including the profiles associates with PDF/A.
I’ve created the “Remove PDFa Informaiton” Action for you. Dowload it below . . .
Remove PDFa Information Action (106K PDF)
The PDF contains the Action itself along with installation instructions.

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