Tuesday, April 2, 2013

EndNote List Archive

"Obtaining frequency counts of authors"
Author: Leanne (Mentor)
Date: 03-27-2012 10:40 PM

If the authors are entered exactly the same in each record (a tall order) then you can look at the tools "subject bibliography" listing of authors (tick the box at the bottom for a count of all individual authors listings and then you can sort on the # records or by author alpha, to view the number of times each author is present in the library.  But if one author is listed as Smith, G and in another record as Smith, George or even as Smith, G. (with and without a period), they won't be "grouped".

++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ==== ++++ ====
use menu => tools => subject bibliography => secondary title => to get journal counts

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