Sunday, March 31, 2013

Use Adobe to mark-up Research

Start with downloading and installing Adobe Pro 7, or asking me about this.
Tools I Use

Configure this to your liking.  I change some menus and move things around a bit.  See the marked out Tools I Use (click the picture to open it large at right).  To do this "right click" on the menu bar on top with your mouse and then select the same as me, or pick your own as shown below.

This next figure here at right shows all that I selected in Menu Settings, just click the space for thh check to show or disappear:

Menu Settings

But more importantly is setting the comments for note taking as shown at right.  This is done with the "Comment Preferences" down at the bottom of the comments menu.  See the graphic of Comment Settings here where the critical elements are shown at right:

Further, while you are editing the preferences you might want to change a number of the Reader Settings on left.  When you have a PDF article, or create a PDF from Word or the Web you can open it in Acobat Pro, OCR the file (document menu) and then set the program to read it to you.  This is great when you are finalizing a paper to submit, so you can hear how it sounds.
Comment Settings

Of course, you can not highlight the same file that it reads to you.  Once done with the settings, open a your research article and highlight and markup anything you want. . .

I sometimes will use the "typewriter". . . more to provide ideas to others. Usually any notes I want on a research article I will put into the yellow highlight comment space to export later.

Reader Settings

To export them, go to the comments menu, and select comment summary.  Select the Comments Only option and your print out will only have what you highlighted the page numbers and dates you marked things.

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