Monday, June 24, 2013

FW: What's Next > Changing Tack, Geo5 for Business and more...

Date: Friday, June 21, 2013, 10:39 AM

What's Next >

June 21, 2013

In this issue:


The Regeneration Roadmap Launches Changing Tack

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Thursday 13th June saw hundreds of people tune in to a public webcast of the launch of Changing Tack, the outcome of months of global engagement on the sustainability agenda. Jo Confino of Guardian Sustainable Business moderated the discussion with senior executives from BMW, Cisco and SC Johnson.
The report forms the final output of The Regeneration Roadmap, an 18-month initiative designed to engage the private sector in advancing sustainable development by improving strategy, increasing credibility and delivering results at greater speed and scale.
On the website now is the full recording of the webcast plus a series of blogs from the project team who have been giving their perspectives and opinion on the outcomes of the report.

Join Us at Convergence Paris - live or online

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SustainAbility Development Director Geoff Kendall will participate in a keynote panel at this year's Convergence Paris. Hosted by GreenBiz, the event will take place on June 26 and 27 at the Microsoft Conference Centre in Paris. There is still time to register, but you can also watch the main sessions online.
Convergence Paris will convene business innovators, entrepreneurs, and leading public officials to explore the next generation of sustainable business, focusing on the opportunities presented by technology advancements in energy, buildings, IT and transportation.

SustainAbility and UNEP Release GEO-5 for Business

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Today sees the launch of the most recent collaboration between UNEP and SustainAbility - GEO-5 for Business: Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Corporate Sector.
Using GEO-5 (a 500+ page compilation of environmental data, policy options and scenarios) as its foundation, GEO-5 for Business serves as a primer written specifically for business leaders. While much analysis has been conducted on the impacts of business on the environment, this report looks in the other direction – at the impacts of environmental trends on business.
GEO-5 for Business provides a clear picture of trends and impacts that business leaders across 10 key sectors should focus on, both to mitigate risk and explore new opportunities.

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