Tuesday, March 30, 2021

mastermind groups

Here are my five essential rules to building a mastermind group that actually gets results and keeps everyone wanting to come back for more.
1. Choose Your Members Wisely.
When it comes to mastermind groups, deciding which one to join or who to invite to yours, is going to set the tone for the months and years to come

2. Set Ground Rules Immediately.
As soon as you begin forming your mastermind group, it’s critical to set a foundation of ground rules for the group to follow.
3. Have a Clear Agenda & Structure for Each Meeting.
It’s essential to have a meeting structure that benefits the members of the group.

4. Decide Upon a Group Leader.
In my mastermind group, our leader is responsible for keeping sessions on track, scheduling the next meeting before wrapping up the current one

5. Share Evenly.
Arguably the most important tenant of a mastermind group that keeps members coming back for more, is putting in place a structure that encourages even sharing.

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