Thursday, October 10, 2013

attitudes and behaviours towards water use

This is from an academic list serve that I am on. I'm not sure in anyone here collaborates on Water use survey?  Or want to connect with more in Australia . .
Take Care

From: Fostering Sustainable Behavior

I am in the process of designing a national survey to investigate Social and cultural differences surrounding attitudes and behaviours towards water use, water saving, water sensitive design etc, as part of a broader study looking at social inequality and water sustainability.

As a result I am on the hunt for any existing studies, surveys and questionnaires exploring environmental sustainability in a social and cultural context.

Of particular interest are any surveys designed to explore areas such as demographics, ethnicities, class and social status, gender and migration. Also anything based in Australia.


paul satur
Monash University
Behaviour Change Conference, London, UK - 4 November
Global Action Plan are running a conference entitled "From Nudge to Norm; game changing behaviour in the 21st Century"

Quote: "You'll hear from speakers such as Jonathan Porritt and Chris Rapley, as well as leading companies including Marks and Spencer, Sainbury's and Accenture on how they're using behaviour change to move their organisations - and their people - towards sustainability."

Any questions on content please let me know.

Tom Veitch
Community Programme Manager
Global Action Plan
United Kingdom

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