Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kubi Telepresence – Kubi makes video conferencing simpler and more engaging in Telemedicine, Distance Learning, and Business.

Holy shit! Robots to make virtual meetings>!>!

Kubi Telepresence – Kubi makes video conferencing simpler and more engaging in Telemedicine, Distance Learning, and Business.

About having meeting facilitator.

Raise hand to speak.

Mute until you speak.

Shake hands to Support others.

Visual Cues to help.


Elmo Card, sign to tell speaker, that's enough, ready to move on to next topic.

Do the fist bump online.. . . virtual handshake

define mini team agreement

make notes & agenda accessible to everyone

Lucid Meetings: everyone can make agenda and support each other.

Have Chat, behind the scenes where people can share links, notes,

Ice Breaker: Everyone says something; Food, to share about others, Fun, simple, quick answers.

Remote speaker given priority in speaking.

Everyone Gose remote together!

Take a break after 45 minutes

audioclips of tips.

Friday, October 6, 2017

How virtual strangers become virtual teams - MaRS

How virtual strangers become virtual teams - MaRS

Now this global entrepreneurial energy is finding new expression virtually thanks to the ubiquity of mobile technology, social media and intuitive collaborative platforms. Over 65 virtual business incubators have launched around the world. For example, the MIT Technology Licensing Office uses a “virtual incubator” model to start up new enterprises based on MIT technology. In the United Kingdom, the National Virtual Incubator is supported by Cisco Systems. Similarly, Brandeis University just introduced a master of science in information technology management program that covers topics including the leadership of virtual and global teams. These examples are just the tip of an immense global trend and opportunity.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017



While traditional farming asks: “What can I get from this land?  Permaculture practitioners ask: “What does this land have to give if I cooperate with it?” Traditional agricultural practices in the USA have been the cause of many negative environmental impacts such as deforestation, soil degradation, pollution and waste just to name a few, and permaculture offers solutions to these current problems.