Sunday, July 26, 2015

Journal for Patent Development

This is a tiny sample of my journaling, but if you open this page the top left list is all my postings online now. . . Some private and some public. . . ;-) This is real Patent Development, triple data entry book-keeping of everything I do and create since my motorcycle accident in 1980 . . . . lol, a New Birth! 5/30 ;-D)))

Journal2MyGOD: Monday March 30 3.51.32 PM and so I went outside with the dog and started talking into the phone. Wow was that so cool, like I suddenly wondered if i dreamed about this when i started journaling in high school. I know i got all i wanted, so i wonder if one lazy afternoon as i wrote, if i considered what it would be like to talk to my paper. like pen write this. Or paper, create this word. so I could talk to it, and it know what i said and wrote it all out. fixed the spelling and messy grammar. that i never could get right anyway, what use was all the knowledge if it wasn't automatic. I need to focus on new problems and unsolved mysteries. Stop wasting my time with the trivial stuff we have solved a million years ago.

Footsteps of Gandhi

In the Footsteps of Gandhi: A Sensory Tour Through Rural India

Photograph by Rena Effendi
"India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages."—Mahatma Gandhi

In 1930, Mohandas Gandhi set out on a 241-mile-long march from his ashram to the Arabian Sea in protest of the British ban on salt collection in colonial India. The conversations he had with the people he met in the villages along the way were instrumental in building popular support for an India free of British rule. Seventy-five years later, photographer Rena Effendi retraces Gandhi's route with a camera and audio recorder in hand, bringing us sights and sounds of an India where traces of Gandhi's spirit can still be felt.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Patel College Grows

Dr. Joseph Dorsey, former Peace Corps Volunteer (Pediatric Nutrition in W. Africa), was an assistant professor of environmental policy at USF St. Petersburg before he was hired as an adjunct faculty member at the Patel College of Global Sustainability in 2013.

During the Summer and into the Fall of 2013, Dr. Dorsey was responsible for campus-wide data collection for the STARS Report.  This included directing both Graduate and Undergraduate students employed to support this effort.  USF achieved a Gold AASHE STARS Rating during these efforts.
As a PCGS faculty member, Dr. Dorsey team taught the core courses Concepts and Principles of Sustainability and Systems Thinking. He also facilitated and created the first undergraduate cross-campus interdisciplinary PCGS course for the Honors College.

Other cross campus collaborations involved the "Fields of Green" Initiative that connects PCGS with the Athletics Department and the Recreation Department through green soccer matches and bike sharing programs.  Dr Dorsey has also lead the Great American Teach-In for the Patel College.

Due to the administrative needs of the Patel College, Dr. Dorsey assumed the role of Acting Internship Director.  His duties here focus on strategic planning and coordination to improve public relations with USF faculty and external partners, liaison with agencies and organizations.  These efforts have increased program quality control, and assure academic excellence in the internship process for students.

In addition, Dr. Dorsey would like to create a new concentration, Sustainable Food Systems, due the growing interest in the student population and the need to address food related issues in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus.  This could build on our student's passions to create a Research Methods course required for ALL Undergraduates.  As who has ever heard of a Research One Institution without a required Research Methods Course.
Dr. Dorsey has a deep philosophical and practical interest in global sustainability and developed the concept: Sustainabilitism as he continues to inspire students to lead into the 21st Century!