This is a tiny sample of my journaling, but if you open this page the top left list is all my postings online now. . . Some private and some public. . . ;-) This is real Patent Development, triple data entry book-keeping of everything I do and create since my motorcycle accident in 1980 . . . . lol, a New Birth! 5/30 ;-D)))
Journal2MyGOD: Monday March 30 3.51.32 PM and so I went outside with the dog and started talking into the phone. Wow was that so cool, like I suddenly wondered if i dreamed about this when i started journaling in high school. I know i got all i wanted, so i wonder if one lazy afternoon as i wrote, if i considered what it would be like to talk to my paper. like pen write this. Or paper, create this word. so I could talk to it, and it know what i said and wrote it all out. fixed the spelling and messy grammar. that i never could get right anyway, what use was all the knowledge if it wasn't automatic. I need to focus on new problems and unsolved mysteries. Stop wasting my time with the trivial stuff we have solved a million years ago.